Create Balance In Your Life
With Clarity, Integrity, Positivity

Through Energy Coaching

improve your emotional wellness and somatic integration
develop self-awareness, become energetically balanced
identify and release energy blockages preventing you from achieving your goals
see the impact that balanced energy has on your life as you become more alert and more self-aware

Energy Coaching opportunity.

  • Learn skills for energy balance and somatic communication, remove blockages in your meridians through guided meditation and harmonising energy exercises.
  • Cultivate a positive mindset and attract opportunities and synchronicities that support your goals.
  • This could be a single energy cleansing and balancing session or a long-term coaching over several months without a commitment to any particular number of sessions. 
  • Navigate your career path with support and power of Your intuition and get inspired by different aspects of philosophies of Indian Ayurveda, Chinese Jing Luo, Japanese Zen, Islandic Innsæi, Danish Hygge and Finnish Sisu.
  • Sessions are virtual or in-person (within the Oxfordshire area). 
Energy Coaching Tools
We will discuss your personal preference regarding tools used and then adapt sessions according to your individual needs. Chosen techniques will depend on your individual requirements and preferences, your ability and readiness, as well as on your openness to variety of tools. You will have a choice and an opportunity to transform your energy and approach with the support of the incredibly helpful tools and sometimes quite intense techniques listed below. 
  • Reiki is a Japanese technique that promotes relaxation, reduces stress and anxiety by improving ones energy flow and balance. It is a safe, gentle, non-invasive form of natural hands-on, energy-based healing.
  • Guided relaxation.
  • Specific questioning.
  • Cleansing and balancing your chakras.
  • Regulating energy flows in seika tandens
  • Using crystals for your energy balance.
  • Meditation and qigong exercises.
EMITY Coaching Schedule
  • Firstly, we will connect and talk about Your coaching needs, so I know what career coaching solution would be the best for You and how I can support You with achieving Your goals.
  • We are going to agree on first session and discuss the schedule in advance (re frequency and days of the week).
  • Be ready to be open, honest and even vulnerable, as I will ask You many different questions and You will do most of the talking 🙂
  • I like to start every session with visualisation or meditative exercises - if this is not Your cup of tea, it's fine. We can skip it!
  • Expect some homework after each session. This is not going to be an exhaustive part of the coaching process, but will definitely require some time and attention outside of coaching sessions.
  • No matter what's Your time zone, we can discuss and agree our coaching schedule via online platforms such as MS Teams, Zoom, Skype or Meta (Facebook Messenger).  If you live in South-East of UK, the face-to-face coaching is available (details to be discussed and agreed).
  • Have protected time for our coaching sessions as each one will last usually between 50-90minutes. Your financial investment is appropriate to the number of sessions of Your chosen EMITY coaching solution.
email me

Let's connect. 

Book your FREE discovery call to find out more about Energy Coaching and to schedule your first session.
click here to secure a call

It Is More Than Just Coaching...

Emilia is an excellent coach who is simply emitting pure acceptance and peace. She does listen and do not judge. She helped me to disconnect from my daily stress and relax, so I could tune into my amotions and see that there are changed required in my life to improve my wellbeing. I felt very light, optimistic and motivated after each session. Emilia also made me customed jewellery to support my energy balance.
Kathy R. Teams Manager

Explore EMITY Coaching Solutions.

Career Compass
Gain better understanding of Yourself.
Realise Your unique set of talents, skills, strengths and potential.
Discover suitable professional directions that fit Your personality.
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Peak Performance
Improve performance and gain more job satisfaction by integrating
the principles of personal resilience,
cultivating gratitude and mindfulness, embracing positive thinking.
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Career Rediscovery
Reflect on Your career path.
Identify transferable skills to look
for a career change, determine your career goals and find suitable directions that fit your personality.
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click here to secure your first session