Do You:

Want a positive change in your career but don't know where to start from?

Need a confidential advice about career transition pathways suitable for you?

Want to build a professional CV and prepare for interviews for your desired job?

Seek to understand your strengths to improve your work performance?

Hold back from being your true self at work?

Struggle with negativity and thoughts blocking your performance?

Feel you have lost your "spark" and need more motivation and self-belief?

Want to improve your work resilience and mental toughness?

EMITY Will Support You With: 

Clarity on Your career direction
Resume, CV And Interview Prep
Discovering Your Unique Set of skills
Mindfulness And Positive Attitude
Improving Performance and Energy
Coaching in Polish and English 


Your Potential

with EMITY

"Coaching takes a holistic view of the individual: work, corporate values, personal needs and career development are made to work in synergy, not against one another." 
British Journal of Administrative Management

Meet Your Coach

Hi, my name is Emilia.
I created EMITY as I have always been passionate about development of the human potential by motivating and coaching individuals to improve their skills, bravely approach a career change and to continuously work on their performance, achieving their career goals and objectives.
I have over 10 years of experience working in Human Resources, Training and Coaching. I am certified Professional Behaviours Analyst and Strengths Practitioner, as well as CIPD and ILM certified HR Professional. My coaching is focused on enabling deeper understanding of desires and helping to formulate ambitions, increasing awareness, awakening positive thinking by effectively building resilience and encouraging calm communication.
Just to clarify...
What is Coaching?
Coaching focuses on helping a healthy, well performing individual overcome challenges and be more effective in reaching their goal through a dialogue based on asking powerful questions and active listening.
What are differences between Coaching and Psychotherapy?
Purpose: Coaching supports healthy individuals strengthen their mental fitness, realise their potential, improve performance and overall life satisfaction. Physiotherapy helps individuals with mental health issues by supporting them in their personal healing or trauma recovery.

Focus: Coaching is focused on helping you achieve your future goals with working out what patterns, values, beliefs or relationship dynamics may be holding you from reaching your full potential. Psychotherapy tends to focus on the past experiences, cognitions and emotions, and healing from it.

Practitioner: Coaching practitioners are not required to be medically trained, they cannot treat mental health conditions or prescribe medications. 
Psychologists and licensed mental health counsellors providing psychotherapy are professionals trained to diagnose and treat mental health problems (such as PTSD, anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder etc.), to address past trauma, treat addiction, identifying and resolving family systems issues. Trained counsellors or psychologists can provide coaching services within their therapy practice. 

Coaching is not a substitute for psychotherapy and should not be treated as such.
Despite the differences, both psychotherapy and coaching lead to the same destination: the better you.
What Coaching is not?
Coaching is not a therapy or a psychotherapy, although it may sometimes feel intense.
Coaching is not a job training, consulting, mentoring or management.
Coaching is not a crystal ball that magically provides an answer and a guidance on what to do step by step in a particular situation.

Realise Your Uniqueness

Create New Opportunities

Build Your Career

Achieve Your Goals

EMITY Coaching Offer.

Career Pathfinder

Gain better understanding of yourself, discover your unique set of talents and strengths, learn what work environment your personality needs to thrive. 
Identify transferable skills to look for a career change, determine your career goals and find suitable directions that fit your personality.

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Peak Performance

Improve performance by integrating the principles of intuition with personal resilience, mental attitude that focuses on cultivating gratitude and elimination of negative thinking, creating a central point for your personal development.

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CV & Interview Prep

Improve quality of your CV/Resume against specified job criteria. Learn about different types of interview questions and story telling techniques to prepare for your job interview.
Get support with visual presentation to make a great impression on interviews. 

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talents resilience
Energy Coaching

Become energetically balanced, raise your vibrational frequencies and improve your energy flow, your emotional wellness and somatic integration, remove blockages in your energy meridians to help stay on track with your goals and intentions, and empower personal growth.

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ProStrength Team

Unlock the potential and develop the strengths of Your Team to achieve higher levels of performance and greater success. This coaching programme supports mastering individual talents and effective communication to build stronger teams.

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Take The Initiative

In Your

Career Development

"The best recommendation I can have is my own talents, and the fruits of my own labors, and what others will not do for me, I will try and do for myself." 
John James Audubon
French-American self-trained artist, naturalist, ornithologist
Testimonials - ee the impact of EMITY Career Coaching

Because It Is More Than Just Coaching...

Coaching sessions with Emi helped me learn about my personality traits which motivate me at work and these which block me, making me burn out very quickly. In a way, I have sorted out my thoughts, I know what are my barriers, and what my natural talents are. These all are very important to me, as they helped me to plan a career change and to take a new path. Emi is a very empathetic coach and a very nice person who does not judge, who can look inside an individual and outline their image of personality. After each session, I felt positively charged. I think that such sessions should be offered to every young person who is undecided which profession they should choose. Following your natural talents, choose a profession in which you can be fulfilled. And Emi will certainly be helpful with this.
Piotr P. ICT Products Business Development Manager
I asked Emilia for help when I wanted a change in my career. I was looking for a professional who could help me to prepare my CV and a job application for an admin post. Emilia guided me what to do step by step and prepared me for the interview. In fact, I got the job which I applied for. If you are looking for a professional, you should ask Emilia for some advice. She wants to understand your needs and go the extra mile. Thank you very much for all your support. You made a huge difference in my life.
Jana K. Administration
The coaching sessions with Emilia were inspirational. She poses questions which led me to think deeply, and to see my frustrations with my current situation in a positive light. I came to realise that I was not playing to my natural strengths, and there was a way in which I could do this. The adventure is now only just beginning, but it now is thanks to Emilia's first class coaching.
David H. Educational Consultant and Tutor, School Governor
Very pleasant sessions related to discovering my own strengths. It cleared up a lot of things for me and showed me new ideas to implement for my future. For me, the most important thing was to find a matching to my character, lifestyle and personality profession. Emi suggested me examples that interested me a lot and, of course, after finishing the course of sessions, I was satisfied with discovering so many ideas for creating my own future.
Zofia S. Student
Emilia creates a safe space for you to open up and be vulnerable. She is very thoughtful in exploring with you the emotional landscape you are trying to find your way across. The coaching session is hard work but it is definitely part of a healing process.
Valentina C. Line management role in Engineering
Emilia helped with my CV. In a friendly manner she sorted out my CV and upgraded it to the professional standard. Thanks to her insight and experience my resume is ready for the job market. Emilia provided me with an advice on interviews and so I can prepare myself for the future meetings with my potential employer.
Jakub M. Chemistry Technologist
I would like to thank Emilia very much for a super professional CV and very helpful, individually tailored sessions focused on a preparation for my interview. Thanks to Emilia, I knew what to say and what to avoid when talking to a future employer during my interview. 
Magdalena G. Housekeeping Supervisor
I want to thank Emilia very much for her professional help to prepare for the interview. With great attention to detail, in a friendly atmosphere and in a professional manner, she also helped me with my CV and my Cover Letter.  Thanks to her help, I got the job I wanted.
Monika L. Customer Service
Thank you Emilia for the sessions. This coaching was quite challenging but in a good way. It has made an enormous difference in my life and the way I approach my duties. I learned how to overcome negativity and focus on a clear vision of my purpose and next steps to achieve my career goal.
Christian A. Service Delivery Manager