Navigate Your Career

With Clarity, Integrity, Positivity

and Increased Confidence

CV & Interview Prep

This is the one-off practical advisory session or a service for anyone who is looking to uplift their CV/Resume and prepare for a job interview.


About this coaching programme.

I will help you to update your existing CV/Resume or to build a new one, to get you noticed by shortlisters and increase chances for an interview. We will discuss what type of jobs you are interested in applying and what roles you would like to pursue.
I will help you to prepare to the interview, so you can present at your best. You will learn about different types of interview questions and methods to answer, as well as story telling techniques. I will support you with your visual presentation such as  as well as the importance of the visual presentation to make a great impression on your interview, that includes body language, choice of clothes & jewellery for the interview and make-up consultation (if required). You will also learn couple of calming techniques to ease your anxiety before the interviews.
Coaching Sessions
  • We will discuss what type of service is required - if it is CV/Resume service or a bespoke coaching session to prepare you for an interview.
  • During our virtual consultation we will discuss what is required to improve the quality of your CV/Resume/Cover Letter/LinkedIn Profile and review your application documents against specified job criteria. If a new document is required, I will create it offline and provide you with a ready product in the pdf and the Word format.
  • In order for you to prepare for interviews, we will arrange the 1hour 15min coaching session to discuss different questions and answer techniques, as well as your interview outfit and some calming techniques to ease your pre-interview anxiety.
Session Fee
Your investment starts at £65 for the bespoke CV/Resume review service, and it slightly increases if you require a new CV or would like an advisory session of career coaching tailored to Your individual needs. 

It Is More Than Just Coaching...

I asked Emilia for help when I wanted a change in my career. I was looking for a professional who could help me to prepare my CV and a job application for an admin post. Emilia guided me what to do step by step and prepared me for the interview. In fact, I got the job which I applied for. If you are looking for a professional, you should ask Emilia for some advice. She wants to understand your needs and go the extra mile. Thank you very much for all your support. You made a huge difference in my life.
Jana K. Administration
I want to thank Emilia very much for her professional help to prepare for the interview. With great attention to detail, in a friendly atmosphere and in a professional manner, she also helped me with my CV and my Cover Letter.  Thanks to her help, I got the job I wanted.
Monika L. Customer Service
Emilia helped with my CV. In a friendly manner she sorted out my CV and upgraded it to the professional standard. Thanks to her insight and experience my resume is ready for the job market. Emilia provided me with an advice on interviews and so I can prepare myself for the future meetings with my potential employer.
Jakub M. Chemistry Technologist
Let's connect. 
Book your discovery call to find out more about this coaching programme and to schedule your first coaching session. 

EMITY Coaching Offer.

Career Pathfinder

Gain better understanding of yourself, discover your unique set of talents and strengths, learn what work environment your personality needs to thrive. 
Identify transferable skills to look for a career change, determine your career goals and find suitable directions that fit your personality.

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Peak Performance

Improve performance by integrating the principles of intuition with personal resilience, mental attitude that focuses on cultivating gratitude and elimination of negative thinking, creating a central point for your personal development to gain more job and life satisfaction.

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talents resilience
Energy Coaching

Become energetically balanced, raise your vibrational frequencies and improve your energy flow, your emotional wellness and somatic integration, remove blockages in your energy meridians to help stay on track with your goals and intentions, and empower personal growth.

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