Career Pathfinder

discover your unique set of talents
identify suitable professional directions that fit your personality
take control of your career through navigating pathways to personal success and fulfilment


About this coaching programme.

The Career Pathfinder Coaching opportunity will help you to identify your unique set of talents transferable skills, core values and motivators to look for a career improvement or a change. 
We will discover your potential barriers and arising opportunities for cultivating new behaviours. We will discuss your core values and career drivers in order for you to explore and navigate your career in most empowering way. You will
 learn what work environment your personality needs to thrive, how to better cope with redundancy or confidentially return to work after a career break. We will explore different options of your career alternatives and development directions, so you can take leadership of your career and make conscious decisions on your next professional steps.
Career Pathfinder Schedule
  • After the introductory session, you will receive links to complete the psychometric assessments. 
  • We will discuss the reports findingsdiscover your core values and career drivers, as well as analyse different job descriptions and career profiles, in order for you to explore and navigate your career in most empowering way.
  • During your coaching sessions you will discover what are your strengths and talents, core values and career drivers, potential development blockers. We will analyse activities which might be helpful for development of your personal competences, best career directions of professional development that most and least harmonise with your personality type, that match your skills and where you can utilise best your unique set of talents.
  • At the end of the programme, you will receive your personal coaching summary report, which we will also discuss during our final session. This is an ideal opportunity to talk about the ideal directions of your career development as per the coaching findings.
  • We can agree on additional career development sessions where we can analyse different job descriptions and professional profiles, we can will review your job application documents and your LinkedIn profile, in the light of the profession you are most interested in pursuing and the professions you are mostly attracted to seeking a work opportunity in.
  • You financial investment depends on number of coaching sessions. The Career Clarity Coaching is based on the minimum of 6 bespoke coaching sessions completed over  the period of 3 consecutive months. Each 1:1 session is likely to last up to 60 minutes
Career Pathfinder Tools
I will quite likely match the tools most optimal and suitable to your individual needs and your coaching goal.  I will ask you to complete at least 2 scientifically validated psychometric assessments , I will use variety of different tools and questioning techniques to most objectively assess what career or field is right for your unique personality, aligned with your talents, values and transferrable skills. 
  • Process Evaluation Scale
  • Positive Psychology Goal Visualization
  • Emotion Meter
  • TalentPredix™ Values Cards
  • TalentPredix™ Talents Cards
  • CliftonStrengths® (Gallup) Theme Insights Cards
  • Team Teach Positive Affirmation Cards
Psychometric Assessments
DISC_Pages-1 (1)
DISC is an assessment that measures Dominance, Influence, Steadiness and Compliance. It will help you to discover how you respond to problems & challenges, to people & contact, to pace & consistency,  to procedures & constraints. The DISC profile creates a language around observable behaviour, which in turn improves communication, engagement, and self-development. The TTI Success Insights® DISC is available in a number of different versions specifically designed for different applications and in 47 languages.
The TalentPredix™ assessment and profile provide excellent insights into respondents’ top talents, career drivers, values, and potential performance limiters. TalentPredix™ uses behavioural science to provide an accurate and reliable measure individual's unique talents and strengths or underlying qualities that enable people to do their best work, potential limiters to peak performance including overused talents and weaker areas, motivations that guide people’s career choices and work preferences and fundamental beliefs that are most important to people to thrive at work.
MBTI®, The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator®,  is a personality inventory based on the theory of psychological types described by Carl Gustav Jung. It indicates your personality preferences in four dimensions: Where you focus your attention, The way you take in information, How you make decisions and How you deal with the world. Each has assigned the letter and the four letters that make up your personality type can help you to understand yourself and your interactions with others.
NERIS Type Explorer® Scale is constructed on the Myers and Briggs theories without incorporated Jungian concepts of cognitive functions or their prioritization. They reworked and rebalanced the dimensions of the Big Five personality traits, which dominates modern psychological and social research, and introduced one more personality preference which signifies an individual’s response to coping with the stress. This section will describe five personality aspects that, when combined, define the personality type: Mind, Energy, Nature, Tactics and Identity.

It Is More Than Just Coaching...

The coaching sessions with Emilia were inspirational. She poses questions which led me to think deeply, and to see my frustrations with my current situation in a positive light. I came to realise that I was not playing to my natural strengths, and there was a way in which I could do this. The adventure is now only just beginning, but it now is thanks to Emilia's first class coaching.
David H. Educational Consultant and Tutor, School Governor
Very pleasant sessions related to discovering my own strengths. It cleared up a lot of things for me and showed me new ideas to implement for my future. For me, the most important thing was to find a matching to my character, lifestyle and personality profession. Emi suggested me examples that interested me a lot and, of course, after finishing the course of sessions, I was satisfied with discovering so many ideas for creating my own future.
Zofia S. Student
Coaching sessions with Emi helped me learn about my personality traits which motivate me at work and these which block me, making me burn out very quickly. In a way, I have sorted out my thoughts, I know what are my barriers, and what my natural talents are. These all are very important to me, as they helped me to plan a career change and to take a new path. Emi is a very empathetic coach and a very nice person who does not judge, who can look inside an individual and outline their image of personality. After each session, I felt positively charged. I think that such sessions should be offered to every young person who is undecided which profession they should choose. Following your natural talents, choose a profession in which you can be fulfilled. And Emi will certainly be helpful with this.
Piotr P. ICT Products Business Development Manager
Let's connect. 
Book your discovery call to find out more about this coaching programme and to schedule your first coaching session. 

EMITY Coaching Offer.

Peak Performance

Improve performance by integrating the principles of intuition with personal resilience, mental attitude that focuses on cultivating gratitude and elimination of negative thinking, creating a central point for your personal development to gain more job and life satisfaction.

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CV & Interview Prep

Improve quality of your CV/Resume against specified job criteria. Learn about different types of interview questions and story telling techniques to prepare for your job interview.
Get support with visual presentation to make a great impression on interviews. 

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talents resilience
Energy Coaching

Become energetically balanced, raise your vibrational frequencies and improve your energy flow, your emotional wellness and somatic integration, remove blockages in your energy meridians to help stay on track with your goals and intentions, and empower personal growth.

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